Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Watty has an idea:

Sort-of inspired by this, (one of those things you find when idly following links - you can get there from here, but you have to know where to click...) I thought about doing something about marking my impending 40-ness. Perhaps with 40 little bits of writing, or something. Then I heard Danny Baker (again) this morning, giving away classic LPs (not giving away as such - you ring up and say "I'll have Nick Drake's Bryter Layter, thanks" and that's it. You are immortalised for ever alongside your favourite album. And you get your name on the BBC London website, or something.

Anyway. He played a few bars of 'Reel around the Fountain', and I thought 'that's it! 40 musical moments from my life. Short, succinct - I can probably rattle 3 or 4 off in a day if I'm falling behind, and I might even finish it. Now, all I have to do is choose 40 of them. Be right back...

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